Mornin' hens!! Can you believe it, ANOTHER DUDE!! Tee-hee!! I couldn't resist resist using SUPER TROOPER TRIPP from Dude Time Doodles for my BIL's birthday card. Shooowee, ain't he a CUTIE?? Look at them arms!!! *swoooon* I even gave him a little 5 o'clock shadow too! LOL! My kinda man!! I printed the digital image onto some Neenah Classic Crest card stock and colored him with my Copics. I stitched the image panel to some SU Basic Black card stock and then adhered him to this great DP from Cosmo Cricket's Joy Ride collection. I printed the computer generated sentiment inside a speech bubble and attached it with a few pop dots.
Here's the inside: snort!
To finish, I punched a small hole in the image panel and threaded some stitched ribbon through for a cool "highway" look. LOL! Now, I'm off to the mall cuz it's BLACK FRIDAY! Woo-hoo!! Maybe I'll get lucky and SUPER TROOPER TRIPP will pull me over!! Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!!
{{{hen hugs}}}