Mornin' hens! Did you all have a good weekend? This was a holiday weekend here in the states so I made the most of my THREE DAYS off by enjoying some R&R with my DH! On Saturday we went for a ride on the Harley and ate lunch at a little hometown cafe in a town about an hour away. Then yesterday, we took a little ride down the river in our boat. We even had a picnic lunch on the bank. Yum! We had a GREAT time and I SO needed it! Not to worry, I did find some time to fit in a little crafting and this is one of my little creations. I have a another GRAD that I needed a card for this year, so I whipped out "DIPLOMABELLA" from Stamping Bella. I stamped her onto some of Bella's Bestest Paper and colored her with my Copics. This DP is from a small K&Company pad that I picked up at Michaels a couple of months back. I just LOVE that gingham print!! Ok, so I matted "Diplomabella" on some SU Night of Navy and then adhered her to the DP. I added a little white border in between the two DP's and then finished with this pretty satin ribbon tied in a cute bubbly bow! Whatcha think? Think she'll like it? I hope so! Just a reminder for those of you who'd like to play along in this week's Bellarific Friday at Stamping Bella.... the theme is "MASCULINE". Grrrrrr-grrrrr! LOL! Ok, that's it from the hen house today!
I thought I'd leave you with a few pictures I took from our little trip down the river. Even though it was a holiday here in the states, there were very few boats out and it was SO peaceful. We were sure it would be packed but we only passed a few other boats enjoying the beautiful day.
Yep, that's YOURS TRULY sitting in the front of the boat in the shade (with my hair a total wreck I might add!). Pffft! Sort of reminds me of Katharine Hepburn in the African Queen. Bwah-ha-ha-ha!! Ok, I hope you all have a great day! {{{hen hugs}}}
Rubber Stamps - Stamping Bella; DP - K&Company; CS - Bella's Bestest Paper, SU Night of Navy, Prisma Yellow; Border Punch - Martha Stewart; Copics; Ribbon - WalMart